
French Quotes – Top 10 Delightful Quotes

by William Reid
French Quotes

The French language is full of inspirational and delightful quotes regarding love, beauty, and life. These powerful sayings have such a deep meaning that they transcend all linguistic boundaries and touch the heart of everyone with their value and wonder. Here are some charming yet stimulating French quotes for you to start with:

1.     Battre le fer pendant qu’il est chaud.

  • Translation: “Strike the iron while it is hot.”
  • Meaning: This quote is interpreted as you must wait for the right time or the favourable condition to get the most out of a situation.

2.     La Nuit Porte Conseil.

  • Translation: “The night brings advice.”
  • Meaning: you must take your sweet time before reaching a conclusion while weighing all the pros and cons. So, it’s always better to sleep on it and decide later.

3.     Vouloir, c’est pouvoir.

  • Translation: “To want to is to be able to.”
  • Meaning: it is equivalent to the English quote “where there is a will, there is a way.” it is used to encourage someone who doubts their abilities to go ahead and take charge of things.

4.     Il ne faut rien laisser au hasard.

  • Translation: “Nothing should be left to chance.”
  • Meaning: this french quote focuses on the importance of planning ahead. When you plan before execution, you leave nothing to chance and make sure that everything goes smoothly.

5.     Mieux vaut tard que jamais.

  • Translation: “Late is worth more than never.”
  • Meaning: just like the English quote “Better late than never.” It is always better to do your tasks late than not attempting at all or giving up.

6.     Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné.

  • Translation: “Better alone than in a bad company.”
  • Meaning: it is always better to be alone than mingling with the bad company as it will only affect you negatively.

7.     Les murs ont des oreilles.

  • Translation: “The walls have ears.”
  • Meaning: always weigh before speaking as someone could overhear you. So, don’t risk your reputation or hurting someone by talking blatantly.

8.     Ce n’est pas la mer à boire.

  • Translation: “It’s not as if you have to drink the sea.”
  • Meaning: when someone complains a lot about doing a task that is not very difficult. It is just like saying, “it’s not a very big deal”

9.     Comme on fait son lit, on se couche.

  • Translation: “You’ve made your bed, now lie on it.”
  • Meaning: it is just like the saying “you reap what you sow”, meaning everything you do has consequences. Therefore, when you do something bad be ready to face unpleasant results. While if you do good, good will find its way back to you.

10.   Aux innocents les mains pleines.

  • Translation: “Full hands for the innocents.”
  • Meaning: this is just like saying “fortune favors fools”. When you are new to something beginner’s luck will be by your side to help you succeed.

Casually use French quotes in your next conversation

French quotes have a deeper meaning when you understand their context. Even though the language has complicated conjugations and inflections, it somehow creates expressions seamlessly. Now you can impress your lover or friends with common French quotes.

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